How Laser Tattoo Removal Works.
Laser Tattoo Removal Narellan explanation on how tattoo removal works.
For the most part laser tattoo removal works by focusing laser ray energy to break up the ink in your tattoo.
As a result, shattering the ink into tiny fragments. We use the worlds best laser.
Thus, allowing your body to take away more ink in a shorter time frame.
Consequently an average tattoo takes 3 to 10 treatments to remove completely.
However the number of treatments depends on the age, colour and quality of ink.
Also as a rule, technique used to create the tattoo. This is how tattoo removal works.
For more information contact Laser tattoo Removal Campbelltown.
Hyper-pigmentation (Skin Darkening)
In addition, from time to time you may experience redness, tenderness, swelling, blistering, scabs and bruising of the skin.
However the skin often returns back to normal shortly after.Before arriving at our laser tattoo removal clinic.
It is important that you adhere to the following guidelines as to ensure optimal results.If the area that is to be treated is hairy.
Shave that area as this will prevent the hair from being burnt.Make sure the tattoo and the surrounding areas are clean.
We will clean the area with a medical grade alcohol swab before treatment, but it will help the laser technician if you prepare a clean area before treatment.
I will send you a confirmation SMS to remind you of your appointment normally 24 hours prior to your treatment.
Before arriving at our laser tattoo removal clinic, it is important that you adhere to the following guidelines to ensure optimal results.
If the area that is to be treated is hairy. Shave that area as this will prevent the hair from being burnt.
Make sure the tattoo and the surrounding areas are clean.
We will clean the area with a medical grade alcohol swab before treatment, but it will help the laser technician if you prepare a clean area before treatment.
I will send you a confirmation SMS to remind you of your appointment normally 24 hours prior to your treatment.