Author: admin-lt

March 30 2022 Posted at 9:59 pm

Does Tattoo Removal Leave Scars?

There are many reasons why someone might want to remove a tattoo. Maybe the tattoo was a mistake, or maybe it’s no longer relevant or meaningful. Or maybe you need it removed for a job. Whatever the reason, tattoo removal can be a daunting process. But with the right information and techniques, it’s possible to remove tattoos without any noticeable scarring.

How does one remove a tattoo?

The most common method of tattoo removal is laser treatment. The way the laser works is that each pulse of the laser sends light energy into your skin at different wavelengths, targeting each of the different colours. The light penetrates your skin and is absorbed by the tattoo ink particles in the dermis layer of the skin. In doing so it shatters the ink into tiny fragments. Once the ink has been broken down your body’s immune system can do its thing and within a number of weeks the tattoo begins to fade. The more treatments that are had the more the tattoo can be broken down.

Why doesn’t my body remove the tattoo in the first place?

The simple answer is that while our immune systems are great at removing foreign objects from our bodies the ink particles are too big for the white blood cells. Ink particles are substantially bigger than white blood cells and since the are difficult for them to remove and the ink stays there in the dermis layer of your skin.

Does Tattoo Removal Leave Scars?

The short answer is not with us. At Laser Tattoff our use of the Pico Method ensures that your tattoo is removed with minimal scarring if any at all. The longer answer is that it depends on how large the tattoo is and what techniques are used to remove it. In truth it is all about the healing process.  If a tattoo is removed with the proper technique and aftercare is carried out then it is highly unlikely that there will be any scarring.

How Long Does It Take?

The process takes two years to complete but why is that so? Two years might seem like a really long time but as we said it is all about the healing process.

Laser tattoo removal is the safest and most effective method for removing unwanted tattoos. That said, it’s not a one-and-done process and depending on the size and depth of the tattoo, the skin type of the patient, and a few other factors, it can take anywhere from four to 10+ sessions for complete removal.

The main cause is that there must be at least six to eight weeks between treatments to allow the immune system time to eliminate the shattered ink particles. This waiting period also gives the skin time to heal and minimises the risk of permanent damage to the skin. Which is why this method of tattoo removal doesn’t leave scarring.

How Do I Know How Many Sessions I Need?

The Kirby-Desai Scale is a method for estimating how many sessions it will take to fully remove an undesirable tattoo. The following factors are taken into account when evaluating the removal rate:

  • Fitzpatrick skin type
  • Location on the body
  • Tattoo layering (if the tattoo is a cover-up)
  • Amount of ink (vividness of tattoo, type of application)
  • Ink colours
  • Pre-existing scarring

Tattoo Removal Does It Leave Scars?

In the past tattoo removal could lead to the development of scar tissue but thanks to the development of modern techniques and lasers that is no longer the case. If you are looking to get a tattoo removed then please contact us and we would be happy to help.

If you find yourself asking the question, does laser tattoo removal leave scars and you are still worried then you should reach out to us here for a free full disclosure consultation where we can walk you through the process and as well as the risks and management that we have in place.


January 20 2022 Posted at 11:21 pm

How to avoid scarring after laser tattoo removal

No one likes to look at an ugly tattoo that they regret getting. Luckily, there are means to have them safely removed. Laser tattoo removal is a great way to get rid of unwanted tattoos. The following few tips can help with preventing scarring after laser tattoo removal.

How to Prevent Scarring After Laser Tattoo Removal

There are a few things that you can do if you are worried about preventing scarring they are as follows:

  • Find a reputable tattoo removal studio
  • Stay hydrated
  • Stop smoking or cut down dramatically
  • Wear sunscreen and avoid sun
  • Do not pick scabs

The above will help ensure that you are not going to have scars in the shape of the tattoo. And that you are not going to have to deal with things like blisters, scabs and pain and possible infection. Taking the time to pay attention and follow these steps is exactly what to do to prevent scarring.

Reputable Removal Studio

The first and most important thing to prevent scarring is to find a reputable studio. You want to check the references, the education and any certifications that they might hold. You also want to ask as many questions as you can. It is important that the studio you are having your treatment done in is reputable. And that they are also transparent and are willing to talk with you about the process.

Stay Hydrated

When it comes to healing from a laser tattoo removal process, your body does need hydration in order to create the blood cells and the blood flow that is needed to help regenerate skin and to help heal the area. You should stay hydrated and try to avoid things that are going to make it hard for your body to heal. A laser hair removal is a treatment where skin cells are intentionally damaged so that new cells will heal over top. You need hydration to be able to do that.

Stop Smoking or Cut Down

Smoking is hard on all parts of the body. It makes it hard to heal from things like laser tattoo removal. When you are dealing with healing, you want to make sure your body is as healthy as possible. Smoking can arrest the healing process and make it harder to heal the area where the laser removal has been done.

Wear Sunscreen and Avoid the Sun

When trying to find out what to do to prevent scarring, wearing sunscreen and avoiding the sun is one of the best things that you can do. These new skin cells that grow after the laser treatment are going to be very delicate, they are also going to be very sensitive to things like intense sunlight and direct sunlight. You should wear a gentle sunscreen over the area, cover it with loose clothing, and avoid the sun when you can.

Do Not Pick Scabs

The last thing to keep in mind is that you should avoid picking scabs and blisters. We know they can be itchy, they can be bumpy and gross, and they can be annoying, but scabs grow to help heal the skin beneath them. If your skin has scabbed up, it has done it for a reason. You should allow the scab to heal and fall off on its own and you should also avoid popping any blisters that might pop up. For the most part, if your treatment is not super aggressive and is gentler, you may not have any scabbing or blistering. If you do, however, you should leave them be and let your skin heal itself.

Above all else, give yourself time to heal and follow the directions and the overall care instructions that your particular technician tells you. They will provide a set of care instructions that are designed to help you heal faster and to help you heal better. They are the professionals and they know what it takes to help you heal the way that you need to. Taking the time to follow all instructions carefully is the best means of preventing scarring and making sure that your tattoo removal goes the way you want it to.

January 20 2022 Posted at 8:14 pm

How to prepare yourself for laser tattoo removal

Sometimes we get tattoos that we regret. Maybe we are not in that place anymore, maybe we do not like the way they look anymore, or maybe we are just ready for a change. Laser tattoo removal is a viable option for getting rid of unwanted tattoos, but there are a few things that you need to keep in mind when getting ready for your removal.

What to Know Before Tattoo Removal?

Before you ever start to get your tattoo removed, it is always best to make sure that you have your expectations managed. The darker the ink, the harder it is to remove. Larger tattoos may be harder to get rid of and might still show up a little after you have them removed. Also, make sure that you realize that laser tattoo removal, though it will take away most of the tattoo, it may not completely erase it.

Managing expectations is the most important thing that you can do before you ever sit down to get a removal as it will help you feel better about your results and will also help you fight off any feelings that perhaps things did not work out the way that you wanted them to. A consultation is a great way to get an idea of what the laser tattoo removal professional is going to be able to do and can also help you ease some of your fears and some of the trepidation that you might have. There are a few things you can do to learn how to make laser tattoo removal more effective and they are as follows:

  • Location and Size of tattoo matter
  • Professional tattoos are easier to remove than those done by an amateur
  • This is not a one time thing
  • Cut back on smoking and make sure to eat and drink before your appointment
  • Wear loose clothing during healing and stay out of the sun

Location Matters

Though you might assume that a tattoo can be fully removed from any place on the body, tattoos that have a better blood flow or vascular supply are going to be easier to remove than those that are further away. The reason for this is that for a laser removal to work, there needs to be blood flow for the skin to heal. The more blood flow, the better the area is going to heal. Tattoos that are on areas that are close to the heart are going to be easier to heal.

Professional Tattoos are Easier to Remove

When trying to figure out how to make laser tattoo removal more effective, those tattoos that are done by a professional are going to be much easier to remove because they are more even. The more even the ink, the better and more predictable the results from the laser.

This is Not a One-time Thing

Still another thing to keep in mind and to prepare for is that you are not going to be able to visit one time and have the tattoo be gone. This is a multiple visit procedure. The larger the tattoo or how difficult, the more visits you will need to fully remove it.

Cut Back on Smoking and Eat and Drink

Smoking makes it harder for the body to heal which means that skin is not going to regenerate as quickly if you are a heavy smoker. If you are a heavy smoker, you may end up dealing with a longer healing process and a less effective laser treatment. You also need to eat and drink before your session. Being hydrated helps the body heal faster and it will also help you to be more comfortable when you are in the chair getting the treatment.

Loose Clothing and Staying Out of the Sun

This is a big one when it comes to figuring out how to make laser tattoo removal more effective. You need to wear loose clothing to help prevent the clothing from rubbing against the skin and against the area that was treated. You also want to avoid the sun as sun damage and direct sunlight can cause further irritation to the area. All of the things mentioned here are going to help make the tattoo removal process more effective and help you get the best result possible from your tattoo removal.

December 22 2021 Posted at 6:09 pm

Things to Know about Laser Tattoo Removal

How to Get Rid of Old Tattoos.

How to get rid of old tattoos. Ink removal is a tried and tested technique that dates back to the end of the 1960s. While its history doesn’t go as far back as the history of tattooing in human culture. It is a fantastic if relatively new tool in the kit of both tattoo artists and canvases. If you are not happy with your ink, you may be considering having the tattoo removed.
Before you decide whether or not you’ll go through with laser tattoo removal. This is a quick guide to what it can do. How it works, and any potential side effects that you should know about.

The Capabilities

Laser tattoo removal is the most effective way of getting rid of old tattoos. Whether they no longer feel right on your body or if you want to replace it. Most tattoos can be completely eliminated, leaving no evidence that they ever existed. Darker ink may take several sessions to reduce the ink to a level that is no longer visible. But even these tattoos are no match for the power of laser technology. The exact number of sessions it takes will vary based on the type of ink used, the amount of ink, skin complexion, the age of the tattoo, and how often the treatments are applied.

In most cases, you will see a reduction in the tattoo’s intensity within a few weeks of the first treatment. After a year or so, with treatment roughly every other month, most tattoos are functionally removed. Some lingering ink may be visible after a full course of treatment, but it is typically easy to hide or mask with another tattoo.

The Process

The technician uses a Pico laser that emits a very fast pulse of light that quickly raises the temperature of the targeted area of the skin. The sudden spike in temperature causes the cells containing the pigmented ink to rupture, which allows your body to begin processing out the ink that was previously trapped in the cells. The whole process can be completed in under half an hour, and it is a noninvasive procedure that requires minimal preparation ahead of time.

When you begin the treatment process, you will set up a schedule with your laser tattoo removal specialist. The time between sessions is typically six to eight weeks, but this may vary depending on your specific needs and tattoos. Each time you visit, you will undergo one short session with the laser. Your body will do the rest of the work over time, eventually leading to a tattoo-free location.

Side Effects and Dangers

While lasers in the real-world are typically not the type you see in science fiction, they do transfer energy and can cause damage. The most common side effects are slight pain during the process and discolouration or scarring around the treatment area. The skin around the treatment zone can become irritated and infected, but proper cleaning mitigates the risk. Modern laser tattoo removal techniques specifically target the colours in the pigments of the ink, making them less likely to damage any tissue that doesn’t contain the ink, further reducing the risk. Compared to other methods like dermabrasion, laser tattoo removal is practically free of undesired side effects.

Now You Know About Laser Tattoo Removal

With your newfound knowledge about laser removal. You should have more tools in your belt for deciding whether or not it’s right for you. If you’re looking for more information, want to schedule an appointment, or are ready to walk in and have a session with a laser tattoo removal specialist, Laser Tattoff is open 5 days a week in Narellan. We’d be happy to answer any questions and help you regain control of your body.

December 22 2021 Posted at 5:19 pm

Why Is Laser Tattoo Removal Painful

Is laser tattoo removal painful? This is one of the most frequently asked questions about laser tattoo removal. The answer to that is yes. But, thankfully, the process won’t hurt as much as it did when you got the tattoo. Now that you know how to manage your expectations, let’s explore why the procedure is painful in the first place.

Why Tattoo Removal Is Painful

As the name hints, laser tattoo removal uses the vibrations from the intense laser energy to break down tattoo pigment in the upper layer of your skin. Once the pigment breaks down, it can now be absorbed and metabolized by the body. The pain comes from the laser penetrating the epidermis and reacting with the ink during the process.

Some patients equate the pain to a pinprick or the sting of a rubber band. So, while tattoo removal is technically painful, the feeling tends more towards discomfort. That means laser tattoo removal is not as bad as some invasive options like surgery or dermabrasion, which involves scrubbing off the outer layer of the skin.

That being said, the pain level depends on various factors such as the person’s sensitivity, the tattoo’s location, and your mental conditioning. Some people naturally have a low pain threshold, meaning they will experience more discomfort during the procedure. Similarly, other body areas are more sensitive because they contain more pain receptors. For instance, if you’re removing a tattoo from your fingertips or forehead, the discomfort will be intensified.

Sometimes, pain during tattoo removal is all in the mind. If you expect the process to be painful, the expectation will color your experience. Overall, tattoo removal shouldn’t be a more painful experience than getting a tattoo. However, since the process requires multiple sessions and can take years, you will experience prolonged discomfort.

How to Make Tattoo Removal Less Painful

You can apply several tips to minimize the discomfort that occurs during tattoo removal.

  • Work with a dedicated tattoo removal clinic. Experienced laser specialists can easily customize the process to minimize discomfort. A trained professional also minimizes the risk of painful skin burns and scarring.
  • Make sure the process involves numbing cream. When you go in for your consultation, be sure to check if the laser specialist applies a numbing cream beforehand. This helps make the pain more manageable.
  • Use an ice pack. Applying an ice pack to the tattoo spot also helps take the edge off the pain. Avoid placing ice directly onto the skin to prevent cold burns. Some professionals use special equipment to keep the area colder for a more comfortable experience.
  • Care for your skin afterwards. The site of your tattoo may feel sensitive after the procedure. If possible, keep the area uncovered and apply a soothing lotion to reduce inflammation. If the site blisters, you may need to apply a salve and bandage the area for a while.
  • Limit sun exposure. Part of your aftercare involves staying out of the sun as much as possible. Too much sun exposure affects skin health, so your skin may not handle the penetrating effect of the laser as well during your next session. Experts recommend applying sunscreen when out and about to minimize the risk of skin damage.
  • Prep your mind. Mentally preparing for the procedure and keeping an open mind helps. You may be pleasantly surprised at how the process hurts much less than expected. Use breathing techniques to calm the mind and ensure that you’re rested and in the right frame of mind before the procedure.

Why Laser Tattoo Removal Is Worth The Pain Or Discomfort

Like buyer’s regret, tattoo regret is a real thing. While tattoo removal requires multiple sessions and isn’t entirely pain-free, it still presents you with a great opportunity to part ways with unwanted ink. Laser tattoo removal allows for the complete removal of the tattoo given enough time.

The bottom line is, you can expect tattoo removal to be painful or discomforting due to the penetrative effect of the laser and its interaction with the pigment embedded in your skin. On the upside, most people say it hurts less than getting a tattoo. If pain is your main concern, the good news is using a numbing agent can reduce the pain or discomfort.

November 26 2021 Posted at 11:50 pm

How To Choose a Laser Tattoo Removal Training Course

There are various things to look for when deciding how to choose a laser tattoo removal training course. There are different courses out there. And, of course, they will all advertise that they are of high quality, just to find out otherwise. If that is the case, then it’s a travesty that you would use your time and money for courses that aren’t worth it.

Having said this, you must know what to look for when choosing a laser tattoo removal course. So, you must look to the following credentials and aspects to choose laser tattoo removal courses:

1. You must first find out your state requirements.

How can you check out a school before first finding out what your state requires for laser tattoo removal? Sure, you can research companies and find out how long these tattoo removal training organizations have been in business, review testimonials, and what they have to offer.

Finding out these aspects of these training companies is beneficial, but it still may not be enough. With all this research, these schools still may not have all the courses required to ensure you are licensed by the state board. You, however, won’t know it if you don’t find out what your state requires.

2. Make Sure You Choose a School That’s Properly Insured

It will behoove you to check to see whether the school is properly insured by a reputable insurance agency. Insurance is very critical even after you graduate. The insurance company must approve all the courses this school provides. Also, the insurance agency must be able to fight a claim, if needed.

3. What These Schools Offer

There are many scams out there, and these types of criminals are always looking for ways to scam people. Since the tattoo removing industry is growing a lot, there are most likely scammers who notice this and are working their scamming. And while some scammers may obviously show that they are scammers, there are some who are quite crafty.

For these crafty criminals, you can do further research, and one main way of research is to see what these schools offer. If these schools offer training that lasts for a few hours or within a day, this is a huge red flag, especially when you can’t practice how to properly use a laser. Having said this, on-hand training is required.

Also, a legit tattoo removal school will have classes that teach you how to handle different clients, handle consultations, and more. You also should be able to check the credentials of the trainers. Anyone can claim and make it seem like he/she is legit and is trained and licensed online. So, it will behoove you to research these so-called trainers, if they, indeed, are legit. With all this said, the following includes courses and topics that must be offered, at the least:

  • Treatment Protocols
  • Assessing Tattoos
  • Safety and Compliance of Lasers
  • Clinic Marketing
  • Caring and Processing Patients
  • Laser Physics
  • Maintaining Standards of Infection Control
  • Interacting Tissue while Tattoo Removal Treatments
  • Laser Technology in Tattoo Removal
  • Client Consultation
  • Hard-to-treat tattoos
  • Sterilizations and hygiene
  • Setup and Operation of Equipment
  • Contraindications
  • Topical Anaesthetic Cream Application
  • Aftercare


There are various things to look for when deciding how to choose a laser tattoo removal training course. You must know what to look for when choosing a laser tattoo removal course.

Different courses and topics must be offered, but you must first find out your state requirements. It is critical because even if these schools look great, these schools still may not have all the courses required to ensure you are licensed by the state. Other than that, you must look at whether the school is properly insured and what these schools offer. These courses must include lessons showing how to handle different clients, handle consultations, and more. The right school must also have courses and topics that must be offered, like treatment proto, and aftercare. Once you do your due diligence, you will be on your way to pursue your laser tattoo removal certification.

November 26 2021 Posted at 11:25 pm

Does it Hurt to get a Tattoo Removed?

For one reason or another, people tend to get rid of their tattoos. There are also some who say that removing tattoos is painful. So, is tattoo removal painful? Many may wonder about it because they are thinking about getting rid of their tattoos but feel apprehensive about having tattoos removed.

So, is tattoo removal painful? The answer is yes.

How Much Does Tattoo Removal Hurt?

Tattoo removal through a laser is quite painful. However, when you work with a highly trained, experienced technician, the pain may feel no worse than a rubber band slapping your hand.

The level of pain also depends on other factors. These factors include the following:

  • The tattoo’s size

The larger the tattoo, the more pain you will go through.

  • The linework’s darkness and thickness

If the linework is thin and dark, you won’t have to use as much intensity to remove the tattoo. The thinner and darker the linework is, the less the pain will be. The lighter the color, the more technicians have to use light from the laser to distribute it accordingly.

  • The ink colors used

The easiest color to remove is black. As previously mentioned, the lighter the color, the more technicians have to use light from the laser to distribute it accordingly.

  • The Tattoo’s age

Removals of older tattoos don’t hurt as much as newer ones. The reason is that some ink has already vanished. So, the removal of it requires less intensity and less time than it would for newer tattoos.

  • The number of sessions used

Factors, such as the colors, style of linework, and colors, determine the number of sessions required.

  • The location of the tattoo

There are some body parts where the tattoo removal hurts the least. Areas where there is more meat, tend to hurt less. These areas have more muscle mass and fat, which serves as a buffer to limit the level of pain. These areas could be the biceps, calves, thighs, calves, front of the thighs, shoulders, and more.

The body parts that will hurt the most are where the skin is closer to the bone. Tattoo removal of the fingers or the ankle is one great example of this. Other areas that would hurt the most include areas where these parts have a hard time resting. For instance, it’s impossible or hard for your ankle to move and thus rest easily on the bed. Some of the more painful body parts for tattoo removal are as follows:

  • The joints
  • The ribs and sternum
  • The fingers and feet
  • The area around the armpit.
  • The head.

There is more sensitivity with these body parts because the skin is closer to the bone. Also, other areas mentioned above would hurt the most where these parts have a hard time resting comfortably, like trying to rest your head on your headboard or reclining back in a recliner.

  • Your pain tolerance level

This factor may apply to some people who may not have that much tolerance in one area or another area due to an accident or for another reason. Say, for instance, a person has a tattoo on the back that he/she wants to remove, but that person has encountered an accident that negatively affected his/her back. Even if the tattoo on the back is old, this person may still experience more pain than the average person would when getting a tattoo removed from the back.


So, is tattoo removal painful? The answer is yes, but the level of pain depends on different factors, as mentioned above.

For more information, contact Laser Tattoff. Located in Narellan, Australia, this professional team of experts has been providing top-notch tattoo removal services for several years. They are one of the best laser tattoo removal clinics in the South West area of Sydney. They also have been recognized by some prestigious agencies for their work, and they have medical personnel as well to ensure top-notch safety. You’ll be in superb hands working with them, so contact them today!

November 2 2021 Posted at 6:22 pm

How Much Time it Takes to Remove Tattoo

Tattoo Services is one of those decisions that you really should think long and hard about. Mostly because it’s going to be on your skin for practically forever. Sometimes however, people jump on a tattoo opportunity on a whim, leaving them regretful sooner or later.

Fortunately, although tattoos are meant to be permanent, they can still be removed. Read more about tattoo removals, and specifically, how long does it take to fully remove a tattoo.

What is Laser Tattoo Removal

Tattoo Removal Services to the method of using laser treatments to erase a tattoo. It is a gradual process that may require up to several sessions before being fully completed. Generally speaking, it is  considered to be the most cost-efficient way to remove tattoos because of how well it resolves the problem areas.

Technically speaking though, lasers don’t literally erase a tattoo, but rather, lightens it to the extent that it’s barely noticeable anymore. It works by emitting heated energy, which consequently lightens the shade, thus giving the appearance of “removal.”

How Long Does Laser Tattoo Removal Take?

“How long does it take to remove tattoos with a laser” is one of the most common questions raised when it comes to laser tattoo removal services. Typically, a medium-sized tattoo can take anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes per session. Larger-sized ones might need at least 20 minutes, and over multiple treatment sessions.

Factors for Efficient Laser Tattoo Removal

The size of the tattoo will definitely affect how quickly the removal can be completed. The bigger it is, the more sessions that may be required. The color of ink is another element that should be factored in, because the colors react differently to the laser energy. Darker colors such as black, dark blue, green, or brown, for example, are going to be easier to remove.

The location of the tattoo may also have some bearing on how quickly the treatment can be completed. That’s because there are certain areas of the body that are more sensitive, which could slow down the process considerably.

Even though the tattoo area to be treated can be applied with a numbing cream. There could still be some pain during the process, much like when the tattoo is being applied. If the tattoo is in a sensitive area, or if the client has a rather low threshold for pain. The removal process may take much slower than usual.

Other than that, the condition of the skin being treated will also dictate how long does it take to remove tattoos with a laser. Those who have skin conditions, such as eczema, would want to go slow with the treatment to avoid triggering breakouts, scarring, or unnecessary discomfort.

What to Expect from Laser Tattoo Removal

Those planning to get their ink removed must manage their expectations, first and foremost. The removal of tattoos is not instantaneous. Don’t expect to see ink-free skin as soon as the treatment is over.

In fact, it’s normal for the treated area to get some swelling, a bit of bleeding, or blistering after a session.

Perhaps the most important thing you should know about Tattoo Removal Services is how long does it take to remove tattoos with a laser treatment is that a successful tattoo removal process may take as long as two years. Sure, each session can only take minutes, but if the tattoo requires several appointments, then it will definitely be spread out possibly over the span of a year or two.

That’s because the laser removal sessions should ideally be set at least six to eight weeks apart from each other. This should help ensure that the body is able to properly flush out the shattered ink from the previous session.

If the sessions are set too close together, it puts the skin at high risk for permanent side-effects and damage. The priority should be the health and safety of the client, so in this case, it’s better to go slow instead of rushing through it.

After-Care Tips

Bandage and keep it sterilized for a few days, then keep dry and clean as much as possible afterwards. Avoid sun exposure–don’t forget to apply sunblock! And definitely, leave your skin alone. Don’t pick those scabs or blisters as tempting as it may be.

October 26 2021 Posted at 9:14 pm

Tattoo Removal Aftercare

Tattoo Removal Aftercare

Tattoos are great, they are a creative and beautiful way to express yourself and to show off things you love. That being said, they are also permanent and they can cause some people a great deal of strife. Though they are permanent in the broadest sense. There are methods for removal that can get rid of those unwanted tattoos, you just have to know how to care for your skin after the tattoo has been removed.

What is Tattoo Removal?

Tattoos are pictures that are put on the skin under the top few layers of skin. This is to keep them from rubbing off and from peeling off as we naturally shed skin cells. The tattoo is just under the surface of the skin to protect it from fading and to help the colour and the picture stay vibrant as long as possible. This is what makes a tattoo permanent. Laser tattoo removal is the removal of the layers of skin that are over the tattoo as well as the layer of skin that contain the tattoo and the ink.

This process can be painful, time consuming and expensive but ultimately, worth it. If you want to get rid of your tattoos, making sure you have a reputable removal studio and an after care plan in place is your best option. Knowing how to care for your skin after laser tattoo removal is going to help you heal faster, is going to help you be happier with the overall results, and is going to help you get rid of that unsightly tattoo.

Laser Tattoo Removal Aftercare Tips

The first thing you want to do is to make sure you are keeping the area hydrated and moist. For the first three days of healing you should keep a very thin layer of antibiotic ointment over the area. Keep it from getting infected and to start the haling process. The studio that you go to will likely give you the recommendation for the best ointment option and may even give you ointment to use. These laser tattoo removal aftercare tips are meant to encourage quick healing.

You should also keep the area covered with sterile gauze for a few days to make sure that things like dirt and grime do not get into the area. This is going to be an open wound of sorts for a few days and ensuring that the are is clean, that it stays clean, and that there is no infection is going to be your best bet for healing.

Important After Care Tips

The most important thing about healing is the first few days following your appointment. When showering or bathing try not to get the area overly wet and avoid rubbing or washing the area with harsh soaps. It does need to form a scab to heal properly and being too aggressive with cleaning can keep the area open and raw which is not ideal for healing.

You should avoid putting makeup or creams over the area for at least a couple of weeks. Let the healing process get under way. You should avoid wearing long sleeves or clothes that are tight or that might rub the area too much. For a few days after treatment. It can take a few weeks for skin to completely heal from tattoo removal. Letting your skin take its time to heal. Protecting the area while healing is going to be the best and the safest method for care.

Precautions After Laser Tattoo Removal

Keep in mind that the area needs to be kept as clean as possible. This is an open wound, you have had layers of skin removed. Allowing any sort of infection or germs to enter can be disastrous and can cause lasting damage to the skin. You need to make sure that the skin is kept clean and covered for the first few days. And that you are watching healing and paying close attention to the process after that. The right laser tattoo removal aftercare tips can help you heal quickly.

If you see any infection or notice that something is wrong, you need to contact a professional immediately. To help take care of the problem and to ensure that the area is healing properly. Taking care of the site is the best way to get it healed.

October 9 2021 Posted at 3:06 am

Tattoo Removal training Course

Did you know that there are approximately 30% of Americans who have at least one tattoo? Yet, not everyone who has a tattoo is happy with their decision. If you’re part of the 25% of Americans who regret getting a tattoo, it’s okay. The great news is that nowadays there are innovative techniques that can ensure that your tattoo gets permanently removed. These techniques help to get rid of any appearance of your tattoo. Most importantly, they do so with minimal side effects. If you want to get your tattoo removed, it’s always advisable for you to do it with someone who has completed a laser tattoo removal training course. If you want to know more about what this procedure is and what it entails, you should keep on reading.

How Does It Work?

The black color pigment from your tattoo ink should be broken up first. This is when the laser comes in handy. It uses a high-intensity light beam to break up this pigment color. Since black tattoo color effortlessly absorbs laser wavelengths, it’s the easiest color to break down. But it’s always essential for you to have a consultation with someone who has done a laser tattoo removal training course. They will be best suited to offer you advice on your process. These are just some of the things that they can advise you on.

  • The number of treatments that you will have to do.
  • The effects of the color of your skin.
  • The depth of your tattoo pigment.
  • How your age and tattoo size can impact the removal process.

What to Expect

Now that you’ve consulted, and you know how the process goes, you’re ready for the next step. Generally, this includes a couple of sessions before you see progress that should resemble your final results. But, during each laser session, you should expect the following.

  • You’ll wear a pair of eye shields to protect your eyes from the laser beams.
  • Your skin’s reaction to the laser beam will be tested. This is done to determine the most suitable energy frequency for your treatment.
  • Then the technician starts the process by passing pulses of very intense light on the surface of your skin. These are only absorbed by the tattoo pigment.

The great thing is that if your tattoo is much smaller, it should require fewer pulses when you compare it to your larger ones. But, this doesn’t mean that you won’t need several treatments just because your tattoo is smaller. However, after a few visits, you should see the appearance diminishing faster when your tattoo is smaller.

Side Effects of Laser Tattoo Removal

First things first, you should know that the entire process is uncomfortable. If your technician has completed a laser tattoo removal training course they’ll know that applying topical anesthesia cream before you start the process is crucial. You should also have after care instructions. For instance, you should use an ice pack if you want to soothe your skin.

Even though this type of tattoo removal technique is considered safer than any other tattoo removal, there are still some side effects that you should expect. These are summarized as follows.

  • The tattoo removal site is at a higher risk of infection. Moreover, permanent scarring is also possible.
  • Some colors are stubborn and can’t be removed permanently. Your blue and black tattoo has a better chance of responding well to laser tattoo removal treatment.
  • There is a high risk that you’ll have hyperpigmentation following your procedure. This can either leave the affected area lighter or darker than. The rest of your skin.
  • Some cosmetic tattoos tend to get darker after each treatment. However, they do fade after a while.

If you want to avoid any problems with your treatment and care, you should ensure that you use a reputable facility. Getting a recommendation first should always help you to get professional service.

In summary, it’s always a good idea to be sure of getting a tattoo. Since it’s a permanent commitment, you should take your time to think more about getting one. However, changing your mind is a common thing, it’s human nature. And you shouldn’t feel bad when you do. Fortunately, we have the right services to ensure that your tattoo removal process is as seamless as possible. In addition, we can train you to become an expert in laser tattoo removals. If you’re looking for the best clinic for laser tattoo removal training, you should visit us at laser-tattoff.