Laser Nail Fungus Removal Treatment
Laser Nail Fungus Removal Treatment.
Laser Nail Fungus Removal Treatment.
Nail infections are very common.
Nearly anyone can develop toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis.
Laser therapy is a newer, promising treatment option for nail fungus.
The procedure may help stop fungal growth and help the infection clear.
Laser treatment uses concentrated light and heat to kill the nail fungus and prevent its growth.
Several types of laser treatments are available, which may affect how well the therapy works for a person.
Laser treatment for nail fungus started in the 1980’s.
Since then, new types of laser treatments have gradually entered the market.
Groups that may benefit most from laser treatment include:
- people with kidney or liver disease.
- people living with diabetes.
- older individuals with medication intolerance
Nail fungus can be difficult to remove.
Also, nail fungus can spread to other areas of the body if left untreated.
Laser Nail Fungus Removal Treatment.
Some other considerations include the following:
- a person often needs at least 3-6 treatments, which may be 5–6 weeks apart.
- results may take about 2 months.
- all nails get treated in the affected area.
- a person may need to use creams in conjunction with the procedure.
- fingernails can take 3–6 months to regrow completely.
- toenails may take 12–18 months to regrow completely.
At our clinic, we don’t just treat your fungus, but also help prevent it from coming back.
Laser Nail Fungus Removal Treatment.
Each new appointment starts with a comprehensive assessment to ensure that we select the best treatment for you, and really get to the cause of the problem.
This includes:
- Confirming that you have a fungal nail infection (as opposed to another condition that appears like a fungal nail infection).
- A review of the cause of the infection, so we can address this.
- A treatment plan outlining the most appropriate management, both short and long-term.
- Measures to ensure that once the fungal nail infection is eradicated, the chances for re-infection are minimised.
The number of laser treatments you will require is determined by the number of infected nails, severity of the fungal nail infection, your age and general health.
Your clinician will advise on the number of laser therapy appointments recommended for your treatment, but generally, 3-6 treatments are required.